26 nov: odac gathering
I joined the group late, around 6 plus in the evening. We had dinner at the hawker centre opp. Harbourfront. Nobody wanted to sit in an air-con restaurant and eat over-priced food. Haha... Value for money was still the key concern, especially now that we were no longer little princesses or little princes who just stretched out our hands to our parents to get pocket money. All the shillings and pennys had become such precious treasures in our pockets. Speaking of how hard it is to get our hands on that monthly pay-check!Eugene was going to drive us to HF's house when we saw this beautiful, golden, shimmering tower with a star mounted at the peak of Mt. Faber. We requested Eugene to drive us there. But we ended in a jam. Cars didn't move a single inch. By the time we saw that tower, all lights were switched off, and the tower was no longer beautiful, golden or shimmering. What a disappointment. To add on, poor Eugene was stuck in the jam with tummy-ache.
At HF's house, we made ourselves comfortable. The rest joined us not long after. We ate, talked and watched crappy movies on the TV. It was a good gathering. No sun and sand, but good interaction nevertheless. We have not met up in a while. Everyone's busy. Some of us have been working for some time, some still looking for jobs, and a couple of guys are finally in their final years of uni.
Time flies. I look forward to the next gathering.
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