My Day
I'm being bugged again. His friends asked, "When are u going to show us your gf?" Why must I entertain them and show my face? He's got so many friends. I can't even differentiate who's who from where. In the first place, I'm not that sort of pretty gal, nice figure and all. Furthermore, I've weak social skills. Or so I think. I just cannot be bothered to interact with people. In simple words, that's called 'anti-social'.I'm anti-social.
Yes, I'm anti-social. Until today, we still cannot agree on the wedding style. I don't feel like entertaining people on my big day, and see all that nice food go to waste, because I've no time to sit down to eat. Hey, u know how much needs to be forked out per table? I don't have the patience and determination to work out a nice bod to squeeze into a mini-size wedding gown just to look pretty for one day. If u think I'm not a pretty wife enough for u, don't marry me. And I am not anyone's wife until the intended groom succeeded in asking for my hand. Don't talk to me about that. Talk to my hand. :-P Ask the 'emperor'. He's the biggest.
So, being anti-social, what do I like to do then? I like to stay at home. I busy myself around my house. I walk from my bedroom to my living room, then to my study room, then back to my living room and my bedroom. And I like it. It's my way of life. Yes, that's how I spend my Saturdays, in case you are wondering. And I'll sit in front of my comp, reading about all sorts of nonsense generated from googgle-search and play silly flash games. Then I'll start meddling with my electronics and read the entire manual. Sometimes, when I feel like it, I'll watch my dad's VCDs and DVDs. Haa... Yah, he's upgraded to DVDs. But there's really no one to share this joy with. Coz it seems like only my father and I enjoy watching documentaries of Chinese history or epic dramas and so on. Yup, I'm watching all these Chinese Chinese stuff. In fact, I've finished 纪晓岚, 康熙, 雍正, 乾隆, 水浒, 三国, 红楼... Sometimes even way before the TV shows them. Anyway TV once a few episodes a week. Too slow. When I feel like it, then I go to my fridge and open it, see what's inside and whip up my own dish. Oh well, there've been some failures of course. But now I can cook a decent meal. Except I'm too busy to cook nowadays. And I don't like to wash dishes. Cooking can be so fun, if only someone else can do the 'dirty' work. LOL
My life is okay, I think. If you think I shouldn't be cooping at home all the time, then please go ahead and run out to play. I'm way past that stage. Take it as I'm feeling old. I just don't like to go out and squeeze into the crowds anymore and interact with people. I like my life now. I'm busy enough from Mondays to Fridays, having to work in the day and study at night. Can I have my Saturdays to myself? Hasn't it been obvious enough that I wrote "Saturday is sleeping day" on my blog?
Saturday belongs to me. It's My Day. I do what I want. I do what I feel like doing.
I don't like people to tell me what to do. So buzz off on My Day.
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