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Catching boredom

Recently, I'm feeling more and more tired. I've taken a more laid-back attitude towards my work, which is good for me. I've always been somewhat hardworking, or so I think, despite some unintelligent methods of being hardworking along the way. I've been like that since young, I guess. So being more laid-back buys me time to think about my own life.

I was just talking to a good friend last week while she was rushing out her final portion on her Masters thesis. It's such a good feeling to know that I'm not alone in the world feeling tired and burnt out. It's that sort of feeling whereby you don't feel much about things anymore. You don't want to talk about it. You feel there's no point talking about it. That's exactly how I feel towards work now. It's not the specifics of the work; it's not the workplace culture; it's not the colleagues. In fact, they're nice. It's the job. I've lost focus in my job. I go to work everyday, meeting deadlines, filling up this and that form, finish up what we're supposed to be finishing, most of the times unable to finish up... Haa... But what the heck. It's a fact. I've lost focus in my job. I don't know why I'm there everyday. That initial passion is gone. I can't locate it anymore. Whatever passion that was left had been drenched by the tremendous admin stuff and miscellaneous projects that I've to take on. Sometimes I wonder what's the purpose?!

I'm getting bored with work. I need to find a new worm for a new catch.


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